September 26, 2013

L-email Wig Review

 I recently purchased an L-email wig from ebay seller sandylou2012, so here is my review for those interested in this wig!
  • Shipping/ Service/ Packaging
I had no problem in this regard. I don't know exactly how long it took for my parcel to arrive, as I had it sent to my term-time adresse and arrived from home after it. I do know that it was well within the estimated time frame, and I did not wait long.
I didn't rely on their customer service, so I cannot vouch for it, but that fact alone is telling!

Packaging: well, the eveloppe was flimsy and not the bubble wrap kind I am used to; I easily ripped it open, but it was waterproof. The wig itelf was in an upright cardboard ring, with net, silk paper, and ziplock bag, so I would say it was sufficient.

  • Product/ Price

Product: So here is the wig itself. The colors are true to the photos on the website, and I love them! Vanilla blonde, and bright pink! Thefiber is shiny, but very soft, and seems to hold quite well, better than I had imagined form reading other reviews. I have brushed it a few times, and nothing much came out of it. That is lucky though, because the wig is rather thin. Nothing unexpected, for the price, but you can see the concentric weams of the cap on the top of the head. Using a flesh-colored wig cap solves most of this problem. A bit of talcum powder should deal with the shine. Judging from the photos I have been able to take of the back of the wig, it is thick enough there not to show the cap.

Price: 23.25$, or 14.50£. This is really decent, considering the wig and that shipping was free. My Bodyline wig was about the same price, but I had additional customs and shipping, though it was thicker. 

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In the sun: not too shiny; what do you think?
Their was a free wig cap with it, the net-type, but I will be using my flesh-colored cap with this wig, as I have said.

  • Conclusion
So satisfied? Definitely!!
I was looking for a wig that might look like my Princess Cadence wig, without the inconvenience of the dye rubbing out on my clothes. I fell in love with blonde haire, and this wig seemed perfect for it! It will definitely go into my everyday casual wear, as it is easy to wear, casual, and requires almost no styling at all.
One way to solve the thinness will also be to wear the wig clips from the Gothic Lolita split blonde/ pink wig I have oredered recently and that will match. That will be fun as well!

I'm also taking the opportunity to show off my new Swimmer bag! I bought it in Boddywood in Paris before leaving. And now that I moved to the South ofFrance, atht was probable the last time I will be visiting the shop as casually... One of the things I will miss in Paris! But it will be exciting discovering all the lolita suitbale spots in my new town and meeting the local community, I am sure!

Unfortunately I have to keep the load pretty light in this bag, or it won't last very long... But it's so very cute!! I love it <3

And to round off this post, here is the first coordinate uniting both these purchases!


1 comment:

  1. The combination of colors is ok! ^-^
    But there isn't a wig i will buy
